The core team members have known each other for three decades and the complete gang brings almost 300 years of roleplaying experience into this project. Yet strangely, this project would not have happened without Covid.
During the first dreadful year of perpetual lockdowns, Ben saw a window of opportunity to fulfil a long-desired plan: to create a role-playing adventure together with Melina. As her profession was very much affected by the worldwide regulations, Melina all of a sudden had plenty of free time on her hands. As Dante put it: “In the middle of the journey of our life she came to herself within a dark wood where the straight way was lost.” But a new path opened, as Ben hired Melina to develop a story and background for for 5e.
And so an exciting voyage began and what was planned as a short story, turned into a veritable saga!
These are the protagonists, located in Germany, France, the USA and the UK:
Andreas Wichter
Co-Author / Game Developer / Editor
Andreas is another roleplaying veteran. He has been translating games and developing roleplaying material on and off since the late eighties. He is responsible for the setting’s fey
background, new game mechanics, the design of the new character classes, editing the book and other bits and pieces.
A former magazine editor, martial artist and tango teacher, Andreas currently lives in France.
Ralf Parino
Historical Advisor
Ralf is a dear friend who has been playing in Melina’s longest running Vampire campaign as well as other adventures. He has an B.A. in history and is a specialist for European conflicts and alliances. Ralf sees to it, that we do not accidentally mix up historical facts and fiction.